
Showing posts from October, 2024

General relationship manager

    Entities The GRM describes entities and relationships. Entities may take many forms. Inert An item with fixed properties that does not interact with the outside world A button on a static remote control. In our GRM model we may have an IR control system that wants to emulate that function but it never needs to interact with the button it just needs the buttons function and IR code to be findable in the cloud. IPP Internet Privacy provider data item. An item identified by a GUID as being available subject to permission from an IPP itself identified by a GUID. The theory is that most entities in someones world would be stored in their IPP, which would store in encrypted form all the users cloud data. e.g. things like social networking, financial transactions, and the connected hierarchy of their world across the whole spectrum of person to people, person to vendor, person to devices. Device Information from a device identified by a GUID Devices in the IOT would either directly suppor